There is sea change in HR during the last few decades. Earlier its role was restricted to recruitment, selection ,training and development. Gradually it was realized by organization that human resource is the backbone and people started giving due importance to it. Today we all want to see our company in the fortune 500 companies list but have we ever thought that it would be impossible to do it if we don’t have bona fide staff with bona fide intentions. The organization successful if an individual goals matches with the organization goal. Both have to go hand in hand. It is the Human Resource Department’s responsibility to see that synchronization is there as well as maintained between individual and organization goal.HR expects that all employees must work hard for their self-development. In the process, organization achieves its growth and qualityexcellence.HR provides all avenues for Employee Development. The definition of HR has changed from seeing employees as cost centre to profit centre. To be world class, HR mission and vision should be the subset of organization mission and vision statement. It’s true that nothing is permanent in this world except change. Hence it is HR’s responsibility to understand the current business environment and bring in, the required change smoothly and effectively. HR foundation should be strong audit policies should be crystal clear, flexible, precise, uniform and easy to understand. If we analyse the functions of HR it revolves around the upliftment of employee moral and bringing in the best practices followed in the industry and reinforcing them. The general HR functions comprise of recruitment, selection ,training & development, counselling, mentoring, wage & salary fixation, career development plans, succession planning, performance appraisal etc. The first foundation stone for HR person is to encourage the atmosphere of teamwork and bring transparency in work culture. Consensus approach in each work should be the philosophy of the organization, of course, individual performance will always be given due recognition.HR should make the atmosphere to use the word “WE” rather than “I”
On of the prime job of HR is to induct people who have the capacity to take the organization in the future direction but before this a proper manpower planning is to be done. Manpower Planning is essential for the following reasons :
- Reduce Excess manpower
- Develop multi-skills
- Job enrichment
- Right people for right job
- Budgeting for fund allocation
- Succession Planning

One of the major challenges which the HR faces is retention of the talented employees. Today the attrition rate is high due to brain drain as well better package and lucrative designation offered by other organization .Keeping in view stiff competition, rapid technology development and customer’s demands, we have to retain right type of employees to give efficient service and improve productivity and quality. Unless HR plans retention programs, it is very difficult in retaining the good personnel and running the business. These days HR has not only have to think for the employees but also for their family members.HR should incorporate some well fare measures for their employees and their family members like:
- Annual meet for all employees and family members.
- Picnic
- Medical Care
- Vocational guidance classes
- Education assistance
- Superannuation Scheme
- Uniforms
- Canteen
- Club
- Magazines
- Safety measures etc.

Motivating staff towards their profession helps to bring zero defects and minimum re-work and reducing customer’s complaint. HR’s role is to bring out extra-ordinary qual from ordinary people .To take your organization to international standards the basic work of HR should be familiarize all the members with the environment, utilize every opportunity of praise, suggest better ways of doing things after appreciating employees efforts.
Prerequisite for Successful HR
- Support from top and middle management.
- Open and transparent atmosphere with trust
- Create an environment for growth and development
- Investment in time, program, money, energy etc..
Rationale of HRD
- Upgrading your systems/processes/ services
- For growth
- Self renewal
- Leadership
When a person joins any organization he is raw for that organization. It is the HR’s duty to give him the inputs or provide the means to know how the process takes place. The ultimate goal of every organization is customer satisfaction.
Organizations have to ensure customer satisfaction and the level of satisfaction must go higher and higher. This is not possible unless the employees are not satisfied and it is the role of HR to keep their employees motivated and charged up for whatever comes. HR should follow the following steps to make it employees self aware about themselves so that they give their 100% output to their department as well as to the organization:
- Boost the confidence of employees: Make them aware that they are the asset to the organization.
- Respect Employees feeling: Value their feelings and suggestions and try to have empathy for them.
- Reach out to them: Extend your help physically or morally whenever required and understand them.
- Open communication: Provide an atmosphere where employees can share their views and have trust in HR.
Three important things that HR department should do to keep abreast with the changing scenario are:
- Training & Development: Identity the needs of employees and provide training to them in the respective areas which would lead to increase in quality out put bring in self discipline and increase safety awareness. It should be remembered that investment made to bring in change in skill, attitude and knowledge by training should be always more than the cost per trainee.
- Ask for Suggestions: Employees working in the shop floor level are much more aware of the root cause of problems and they have sometimes much better solution than the top management can think of. The aim of the suggestion scheme is mainly to tap the hidden resources and evolve a participative having participate approach and innovative ideas among employees. Also the esteem level of employees will increase and complex problems will get reduced. If useful suggestion get implemented, concerned employee will feel that the management recognizes his resource.
- Exit Interview: When an employee leaves the organization he gives the valuable input that must be taken into account and preventive measures must betaken so that others are not affected by the problem. This is the forum where the employee could vent out his feelings and make the employer aware of the issues that would affect the smooth functioning of the organization.

Unless all employees have passion and dedication for their work it will be too difficult to achieve the organization goal. Environment plays a major role and how to create an environment for that is the sole responsibility of HR. There is internal and external environment, which have the impact on the working atmosphere for example the political env., trade unions, economic environment, geographical area, Social environment, culture, technology etc. Unless both sides are balanced it will be difficult to increase the productivity of employees. Porters’ model speaks of Bargaining Power of Suppliers, Bargaining Power of Customers, Threat of New Entrants, Threat of substitutes. All our effort should be to balance these situations and make a concrete plan to best able. To come at par with the world class level we have to follow the OCTAPACE CULTURE. Culture is the set of norms, beliefs, values system that an employee has to follow in an organization. OCTAPACE is an acronym that stands for:

The physical and mental attributes of HR should be highly pertinent to the organization’s performance and productivity . The employees in any organization are not to be viewed astatic individuals since the quality and quantity of HR are affected by environment factors such as education, training and development, motivation etc. If human factor is properly utilized it proves to be a dynamic force for running an organization; otherwise it becomes a passive and destructive force. The overall aim of HR is to find the possibilities for adaptation for survival of organization with constant changing scenario in an era of increasing competition .Building a world class organization is a long-term process and it would be highly impossible to see this dream without human resource.

Founder & CEO| Fox Investor – Financial Blog Portal & A.V.A. Taxway Associates- Corporate & Tax Law Firm
Dr. Vibhor S Agarwal has a Ph.D. in IPR, start-ups, and corporate law, as well as an MBA in finance from NMIMS Mumbai, and achieved numerous certifications in corporate law. He is a practicing corporate lawyer and the founder of two business verticals. He has advised over 2000 businesses, 5000 students, and 400 new start-ups all over India and other countries like Dubai, London, the USA, and Qatar. Dr. Viibhor Agarwal assists people with business expansion and branding, regardless of size, as well as business setup, financial literacy, start-up guidance, licensing, tax planning, and other legal compliance issues. Dr. Viibhor Agarwal’s goal is to provide complete financial and business literacy to all businessmen who want to start new businesses and grow existing businesses and to those students who want to open their start-ups. In each video, Dr. Viibhor Agarwal not only explains the method of the solution but also advises subscribers on practical tips learned from and faced by clients handled by Dr. Viibhor Agarwal daily. This blog portal provides you with an easy and clear solution to your business problem, allowing you to take your business to the next level.